Assistant Coordinator for Community Education

Assistant Coordinator for Community Education

The Assistant Coordinator for Community Education (ACCE) is a live-in position that is part of a leadership team which facilitates the CommUNITY Education (CUE) program and reports to the Assistant Director for Diversity Initiatives. The mission of the CUE program is to foster respect and understanding in the residence hall communities and to create an environment that welcomes and values all people through intentional educational programming in the residence halls.

Major responsibilities include:

  • Directly supervise, train, and evaluate a staff of 6 CUEs, assist in setting program goals and learning outcomes, convene regular staff and individual meetings, hold CUEs accountable for program expectations, evaluate/assess performance and program effectiveness, and develop and implement ongoing and semiannual training
  • Facilitate a close working relationship with other residence hall staff which includes regular meetings with professional, graduate, and undergraduate staff in each center
  • Identify needs, outcomes, and implementation of training and programs related to diversity and social justice
  • Develop a greater understanding and appreciation for social justice education and explore skills needed to engage students, staff, and colleagues in difficult conversations
  • In addition to supervising CUEs, each ACCE is occasionally called upon to present diversity-related programs within the residence halls and in other areas of campus